Enter taxa or database(s) to map:Separate with commas. Append underscore to genera to show individual species. Try:Japanese honeysuckle,Tuxedo_
Set map center by:country United States or
Set map resolution:Globe (satellite image)0.2 degrees (satellite image)0.125 degrees (satellite image)0.05 degrees (satellite image)0.025 degrees (satellite image)0.0125 degrees (satellite image)0.0083 degrees (satellite image)0.002 degrees (NIMA map)0.0008 degrees (map)20.32 meters (U.S. topo map)10.1 meters (U.S. topo map)4.07 meters (U.S. topo map)2 meters (U.S. aerial photo)1 meters (U.S. aerial photo)units are per pixel
Show species interactions: no +hosts +associates
Limit databases: "-AMNH_BEES" (note minus) drops 1."KSEM, LLL" maps 2.
Overlay borders: country no only
Symbol size: 3 5 7 9 1113
Vary symbol size (reducing by 4): yes no
Select: color grayscale
Set symbol edge color: black white same
Show target: yes no
Select: fast gridall points
Map points using: both coordinates centroids or map inconsistent points Set base map:Satellite NIMA SFTEP
Set base map:
The mapper uses the NAD83 (WGS84) ellipsoid.Overlayed points may be inaccurate by a 100 meters or so if they are based on NAD27 and not converted.